Ephesians 1:15-23: Prayer for Wisdom and Revelation

Introduction: A Prayer That Transforms

Have you ever felt stuck in your faith, unsure of how to move forward or how to see God’s hand at work in your life? In Ephesians 1:15-23, the Apostle Paul offers a powerful prayer that addresses this very struggle. This prayer isn’t just a beautiful piece of Scripture; it’s a roadmap for spiritual growth, asking God to open our eyes to the hope, riches, and power available to us in Christ. Let’s dive into this passage and discover how Paul’s prayer can transform our understanding of God’s work in our lives.

Ephesians 1:15-23 Commentary: The Big Picture

After unpacking the spiritual blessings we have in Christ (Ephesians 1:3-14), Paul shifts his focus to prayer. He begins by expressing gratitude for the Ephesian believers’ faith and love (vv. 15-16) and then prays for them to receive wisdom, revelation, and a deeper understanding of God’s power (vv. 17-23).

This prayer is deeply theological yet intensely practical. It reveals Paul’s pastoral heart and his desire for believers to experience the fullness of life in Christ. Andrew T. Lincoln, in his Word Biblical Commentary on Ephesians, describes this prayer as a “bridge” between the doctrinal foundation of chapter 1 and the practical exhortations that follow in the rest of the letter.

What Does Ephesians 1:15-23 Mean? Breaking It Down

Thanksgiving for Faith and Love (Ephesians 1:15-16)

Paul begins by expressing gratitude for the Ephesian believers: “I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers” (vv. 15-16).

Paul’s gratitude is rooted in two key markers of genuine faith:

Faith in Christ: A personal trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Love for Others: A selfless, sacrificial love for fellow believers.

Clinton E. Arnold, in his Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on Ephesians, notes that these two qualities are inseparable. True faith always produces love, and love is the evidence of genuine faith.

Practical Application: How does your faith manifest in love for others? Take a moment to reflect on how you can grow in both faith and love.

The Prayer for Wisdom and Revelation (Ephesians 1:17-19)

Paul’s prayer is both specific and profound. He asks God to give the Ephesians “a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know God” (v. 17). This isn’t just intellectual knowledge but a deep, experiential understanding of who God is.

Paul then outlines three specific requests:

1. The Hope of God’s Calling: That they would understand the future glory God has prepared for them.

2. The Riches of God’s Inheritance: That they would grasp the immeasurable value of their inheritance in Christ.

3. The Greatness of God’s Power: That they would experience the same power that raised Christ from the dead.

Harold W. Hoehner, in his Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary, emphasizes that this prayer is not just for the Ephesians but for all believers. It’s a prayer for spiritual enlightenment and empowerment.

Practical Application: What areas of your life feel hopeless or powerless? Pray for wisdom and revelation, asking God to open your eyes to the hope, riches, and power available to you in Christ.

The Power of Christ (Ephesians 1:20-23)

Paul concludes his prayer by focusing on the supremacy of Christ. He describes how God raised Christ from the dead, seated him at the right hand of God, and placed all things under his feet (vv. 20-22). This imagery underscores Christ’s authority over every power, both spiritual and earthly.

Paul then adds that Christ is the head of the church, which is his body (v. 23). F.F. Bruce, in his commentary The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians, explains that this metaphor highlights the intimate connection between Christ and his people. As the head, Christ provides direction, nourishment, and life to the body.

Practical Application: How does knowing Christ’s supremacy change the way you view your circumstances? Let this truth fill you with confidence and peace, knowing that Christ is in control.

Ephesians 1:15-23 Explained: Key Takeaways

Faith and Love: Genuine faith produces love for others.

Wisdom and Revelation: We need God’s help to understand the hope, riches, and power available to us in Christ.

Christ’s Supremacy: Christ is above all powers and is the head of the church.

The Church as Christ’s Body: We are connected to Christ and to one another, called to live in unity and purpose.

Reflection and Application: Living Out Paul’s Prayer

Ephesians 1:15-23 challenges us to pray boldly and live confidently. It reminds us that spiritual growth begins with a deeper understanding of who God is and what God has done for us in Christ.

As you reflect on this passage, consider these questions:

• How can you cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude for the faith and love you see in others?

• What areas of your life need wisdom and revelation from God?

• How can you live in light of Christ’s supremacy and authority?

Conclusion: A Prayer for Every Believer

Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23 is a timeless model for spiritual growth. It invites us to seek wisdom, embrace hope, and live in the power of Christ. As you meditate on this passage, let it inspire you to pray boldly, live faithfully, and trust in the God who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.


Ephesians 2:1-10: Salvation by Grace Through Faith


Ephesians 1:1-14 : What Are Our Spiritual Blessings in Christ?