The Gospels
Who Were the Twelve Disciples of Jesus?
Discover the unique callings, contributions, and legacies of Jesus’ twelve disciples. This blog post explores their roles in the early church, key stories from their lives, and how their faith shaped the spread of the Gospel. Learn about their names, missions, and the impact they left on Christianity.
Capernaum in the Bible
Explore the significance of Capernaum, the ‘town of miracles,’ in the Gospels. Discover its strategic location on the Via Maris, the miracles Jesus performed there, and its role in His ministry. Learn about key biblical events like the healing of the centurion’s servant and the paralytic, and how Capernaum’s fate reflects the power of faith and rejection.
The Baptism of Jesus: A Comparative Study
Study the significance of Jesus’ baptism in the Gospels, its theological meaning, and how it connects to our own baptism today.
Pontius Pilate: The Roman Governor Who Crucified Jesus – His Role in History and the Bible
Explore the complex role of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who authorized Jesus’ crucifixion. Learn about his history, decisions, and portrayal in the Bible.
23 Prophecies Fulfilled through Jesus
Here are 23 prophecies fulfilled through the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These prophecies guide humanity to recognize the promised Messiah and their fulfillment strengthens our faith, showing us their power and enduring importance.
Why is Jesus called Son of God and Son of Man?
Jesus is known as the Son of God and Son of Man. These titles go beyond history and theology, touching the heart of the Christian faith. Explore their significance and implications as they reveal Jesus's divine nature, his role in salvation, and his deep connection with humanity's joys and struggles. Learn how these titles, rooted in Jewish scriptures and Greco-Roman context, affirm Jesus as both fully divine and fully human, offering hope and redemption.
Why are Matthew, Mark, and Luke Called “The Synoptic” Gospels?
The beloved gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke share a significant overlap in content, structure, and wording, yet each tells the story of Jesus in profound ways. What does synoptic mean? Why isn’t John included? It’s easier to understand than one might think. Let’s get to it!
Mary's Song and God's Heart
Mary’s Magnificat, or Mary’s Song in Luke 1 shows us God’s heart. In the incarnation of Jesus, God decided to become closely entangled in the messy affairs of humans.
What Does it Mean that Jesus is a Tabernacle?
John 1 teaches that God dwells with us in Jesus Christ. The phrase used is “he tabernacled with us” which references the Old Testament place of worship. What does it mean that Jesus is a tabernacle?
Mary and Martha
Mary and Martha love Jesus, but Martha is distracted by cares, so Jesus invites her into restful worship. How easy it is to lose sight of Jesus in our busyness!
A Full Barn and an Empty Heart Luke 12
In Luke 12:12 Jesus tells the story of the Parable of the Rich Fool who had enough yet built bigger barns. How much is enough? Why did Jesus tell the story and what does it mean for us today?
The Genuine and True Hope of Our Prayer
Jesus teaches about prayer in Luke 11. What makes our prayer effective? On what do we place our hope when we pray? Is our prayer effective based on our effort o goodness or on something else entirely?