Jesus Is Mocked, Beaten, and Tried (Luke 22:63–71)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

Jesus Is Mocked, Beaten, and Tried (Luke 22:63–71)

In Luke 22:63-71, Jesus faces mockery, physical abuse, and a trial before the Sanhedrin, foreshadowing His ultimate sacrifice. Explore the deep theological significance and practical lessons from this powerful passage in our in-depth commentary and reflection.

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Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:39–46)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:39–46)

In Luke 22:40, Jesus urges his disciples to pray so they will not fall into temptation. As they face an intense spiritual test, he calls them to vigilance. This moment highlights the necessity of prayer, the disciples’ weakness, and Jesus’ unwavering obedience

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Jesus and the Last Supper/Passover (Luke 22:7-23)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

Jesus and the Last Supper/Passover (Luke 22:7-23)

Discover the significance of Jesus and the Last Supper in Luke 22:7-23. Learn what Jesus ate, who betrayed him, and how the Passover connects to his sacrifice. Explore the meaning of the Upper Room, the new covenant, and why the Last Supper remains central to Christian faith today.

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The Widow’s Offering (Luke 21:1–4)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

The Widow’s Offering (Luke 21:1–4)

Jesus highlights a poor widow’s offering in Luke 21:1–4, showing that true generosity is measured by faith, not amount. Discover the deeper meaning of her sacrifice and its relevance today.

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Paying Taxes to Caesar (Luke 20:20–26)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

Paying Taxes to Caesar (Luke 20:20–26)

Discover the meaning behind Jesus’ response to the question of paying taxes to Caesar in Luke 20:20-26. Learn why this was a trap, how it exposed the hypocrisy of the religious leaders, and what it teaches us about allegiance to God. Read now for historical context and practical insights!

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The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (Luke 20:9-19)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (Luke 20:9-19)

In Luke 20:9-19, Jesus shares the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, revealing the consequences of rejecting God’s messengers. This powerful parable warns of judgment and points to the coming of God’s kingdom. Discover the timeless lessons and significance of this teaching for today.

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Jesus Cleansing the Temple – Luke 19:45-48
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

Jesus Cleansing the Temple – Luke 19:45-48

Discover the meaning behind Jesus cleansing the temple in Luke 19:45-48. Learn why He was angry, how religious leaders profited from exploitation, and what this passage teaches about justice, worship, and the dangers of corrupt religion.

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The Triumphal Entry (Luke 19:28–40)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

The Triumphal Entry (Luke 19:28–40)

Explore the significance of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, its fulfillment of prophecy, and its challenge to worldly power. Discover how this momentous event, recorded in all four Gospels, reveals Christ’s true kingship and the path to the cross.

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The Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

The Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27)

Explore the Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27) and its lessons on stewardship, responsibility, and faithfulness. Learn how the story teaches us to use our gifts for God’s kingdom and anticipate His return. Understand the significance of the mina and the differences between a mina and a talent.

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Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
Luke Jason Elder Luke Jason Elder

Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

Discover the powerful story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10. Learn about Jesus’ transformative encounter with the tax collector, and how his repentance offers a model for us today. Explore the meaning of Zacchaeus’ actions and how Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

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