Devotional for Leadership Team: Mark 9:30-37

Servant Leadership in the Body of Christ

As we gather tonight, let’s reflect on the words of Jesus from Mark 9:35, where He says, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

In this passage, Jesus turns the world’s idea of leadership upside down. Instead of striving for power or position, he teaches that true greatness comes from humble service.

As leaders in the church, we are called not to seek recognition or status but to follow Christ’s example of serving others. Our authority comes from how well we love and care for those entrusted to us.

The Role of Deacons and Elders

Our liturgy defines what the roles of deacons and elders are. These descriptions are taken from Scripture. Listen to this:

Deacons are set apart for a ministry of mercy, service, and outreach.
They gather gifts and offerings,
care for them faithfully,
and distribute them with wisdom and compassion
to persons in need
and for purposes that advance God’s kingdom on earth.
Deacons visit and comfort the distressed,
provide for whatever necessities may arise, and
assist the congregation at services of worship.

Elders are set apart
for a ministry of watchful and responsible care
for the welfare and order of the church.
They have oversight of all members,
including one another, the deacons, and the ministers,
equipping everyone to live in harmony with God’s Word.
They ensure the Word of God is rightly proclaimed and taught,
and the sacraments faithfully administered.
Elders assist the minister/s with their good counsel,
and serve all Christians with advice, consolation, and encouragement.

You will notice something very important.

In our role as the consistory, we are not just decision-makers; we are shepherds and servants. Every decision we make should be rooted in our love for Christ and our desire to see the church flourish. This means thinking not about what is most comfortable for us, but what serves the congregation, our community, and ultimately, God’s kingdom.

Whether we are addressing matters of the budget, ministry, or care for the physical building, our goal should always be to reflect the servant-heart of Christ in everything we do.

Tonight, as we meet, let us keep in mind the great responsibility and privilege it is to serve the body of Christ. Let us ask for wisdom, unity, and the humility to lead as Christ would have us lead.

May God help us as we talk about the matters of the Church and may God alone be glorified in the outcomes of our labor together.


Rev. William Sloane Coffin’s Eulogy for Alex