Liturgy for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Mark)

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Scriptures for the Day

Song of Solomon 2:8-13 celebrates the passionate love between two lovers, comparing it to a powerful force that cannot be restrained. The lover expresses their deep affection and desire, using vivid imagery to convey the intensity of their emotions.

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 urges the Israelites to keep God's commandments and avoid idolatry, warning of the consequences of disobedience. Moses emphasizes the importance of following God's laws as a means of preserving their identity as God's chosen people.

Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9 praises the king's beauty, righteousness, and power, and prays for his prosperity. The psalm presents the king as a figure of divine favor and authority, worthy of praise and adoration.

Psalm 15 describes the characteristics of those who are righteous and dwell in God's presence. The psalm outlines the qualities that are essential for a close relationship with God, including honesty, fairness, and compassion.

James 1:17-27 emphasizes the importance of wisdom, which comes from God, and the need to put faith into action through good works. James contrasts true wisdom with worldly wisdom, which is often foolish and harmful.

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 criticizes the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and legalism, emphasizing the importance of inner purity and right motives. Jesus confronts the Pharisees for their adherence to religious traditions that were superficial and contradictory to the true spirit of the law.


Love and Righteousness

Several passages explore the themes of love, affection, and righteousness. The Song of Solomon celebrates romantic love,while Deuteronomy and Psalm 15 emphasize the importance of righteous living.


Purity and Sin

The passages from Deuteronomy, Mark, and James all address the issues of purity, sin, and hypocrisy. Deuteronomy warns against idolatry, Mark criticizes the Pharisees' legalism, and James emphasizes the need for good works.


Wisdom and Understanding

Wisdom and understanding are key themes in Psalm 15 and James. Both passages highlight the importance of seeking wisdom from God and applying it to one's life.


Preaching Ideas

1. The Interconnectedness of Love and Righteousness

The Song of Solomon demonstrates the passionate love between two people, while Deuteronomy and Psalm 15 emphasize the importance of living a righteous life. One could argue that true love is rooted in righteousness and that a righteous life is motivated by love for God and others.

Main Idea: True love and righteousness are inseparable aspects of the Christian life.

2. The Dangers of Legalism and Hypocrisy

Mark's account of Jesus' criticism of the strict and often appearance-obsessed Pharisees teaches us about the dangers of legalism and hypocrisy. One could argue that legalism leads to a superficial understanding of the law. Hypocrisy undermines are credibility. Note, perhaps the Pharisees were "too serious." Are we serious enough?

Main Idea: Legalism and hypocrisy are harmful to the Christian faith and should be avoided.

3. The Pursuit of Wisdom and Understanding

The pursuit of wisdom and understanding is a staple in the Scripture's wisdom literature, in which some situate James. C.H. Dodd called James a "wisdom epistle" and F.F. Bruce called it a "wisdom book." No wonder, as wisdom (1:5; 3:13; 5:13), understanding (1:5), knowledge (3:17), and ethical guidance (1:26-27; 3:1-12) comprise a large portion of his attention. Wisdom, or the pursuit of it, helps us make good decisions, overcome challenges, and give our better selves to the word of God.

Main Idea: Seeking wisdom and understanding from God is essential for the Christian life.

Call to Worship

One: Let us come together in the presence of our loving God, who calls us to a life of righteousness and love.

All: We come to worship you, O Lord, with hearts filled with gratitude and praise.

One: May our love for one another reflect the love of God.

All: Help us, O Lord, to walk in your ways and to do what is right in your sight.

One: Grant us the grace to live lives of authenticity and integrity.

All: Guide our steps, O Lord, and illuminate our minds with your truth.

One: Let us worship our God with hearts full of love, righteousness, purity, and wisdom.

All: We praise you, O Lord, for your love, your grace, and your mercy.

Prayer of Confession

We confess that we have fallen short of your love, O God. We have neglected your commandments and allowed sin to enter our hearts. We have been tempted by worldly desires and have turned away from your righteous path. Forgive us, we pray, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ.

One: Lord may your name be glorified in us and through us. We ask this through Christ Jesus, your only begotten son. It is he who is our Lord and our Savior, our brother and our friend. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

One: For the Lord your God is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. (Deuteronomy 4:31) 

Friends, this is the good news!

All: Thanks be to God!

Prayer of Illumination

Open our eyes, O Lord, to see the truth of your word. Illuminate our minds with your wisdom, that we may understand your ways and live according to your will.

Prayer of Dedication

We dedicate ourselves anew to your service, O Lord. May our lives be a reflection of your love and righteousness.

Sources and related content 




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