Liturgy for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Mark)

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The tension in the gospel text is the phrase, “Isn’t this Mary and Joseph’s son?” Like, “Who is this guy?” We can often become deflated before we even start. I try to integrate the sense that we are called and that God helps us persevere.

Scriptures Referenced

Mark 6:1-13; Ezekiel 2:1-5

Call to Worship

One: Come, let us worship the Lord who calls us by grace, and invites us to be prophets and disciples.

All: We lift our eyes to the Lord, our God, seeking mercy and guidance.

One: From the hills of Nazareth to the fields of Galilee, Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God with wisdom and power.

All: We come, eager to hear this word and follow these ways.

One: Despite doubts, Jesus' healing touch brought miracles and hope to many.

All: We celebrate compassion and the miracles performed in our lives.

One: Come with grateful hearts and enter into the presence of God, uniting in worship for the Lord cares for us!

Prayer of Confession

All: God, though we often hear about your grace and love, we wonder if it could be true for us too. Our guilt wears us down and steals our joy! Please change our situation. Overwhelm us with gratitude and assurance that we would be steadfast in our faith, abundant in our joy, and unceasing in our service to you. (personal prayer)

One: Lord may your name be glorified in us and through us. We ask this through Christ Jesus, your only begotten son. It is he who is our Lord and our Savior, our brother and our friend.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

1 John 4:18-19"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear . . . We love because God first loved us."

Friends, this is the good news!

All: Thanks be to God!

Prayer of Illumination

Loving Teacher, on this Sabbath, open the sacred text to us and open our minds, so we may grasp the depths of your Word and understand its profound wisdom. Clear our hearts of doubt and unbelief, filling us instead with faith and trust in your promises. Calm our anxieties, O God, and quiet our restless spirits, that we may be fully attentive to your guiding voice.

Illuminate our souls, Lord, to see the truths that we may have overlooked before, revealing insights and revelations that bring clarity and understanding to our lives. Help us to perceive the nuances of your teachings, and empower us to live them out with conviction and love.

Grant us, Lord, the eagerness to trust, and the courage to follow.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

Eternal God,

With hearts open and spirits willing, we dedicate ourselves anew to your purpose and plan. May our lives reflect your glory. Amen


Liturgy for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Mark)


Liturgy for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Mark)