Prayer of Intercession Using Ephesians 2:11-22

I believe that it is very helpful to a congregation for a minister to pray using themes found in the Bible passage they preached from. It helps congregants know how to apply the Scripture to their lives, and how to pray after they study the text.

The Sermon on this passage is HERE.

The Liturgy using this passage and the Revised Common Lection are HERE.

A Prayer of Intercession (Using Ephesians 2:11-22)

Gracious God, who unites all things and all people through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, we come before you burdened by the divisions and hostilities that plague our world. We lift up to you the brokenness we see around us—the political strife, the ideological barriers, and the deep wounds of hatred and mistrust that separate communities and nations.

Lord Jesus, who is our peace, we thank you for breaking down the dividing walls of hostility through your sacrifice on the cross. You have reconciled us to God and to each other, creating one new humanity where all are welcomed into your loving embrace. Help us to embody this unity in our lives, to see each other through your eyes, and to treat one another with love and respect, regardless of our differences.

We pray for our country and its leaders, that they may be guided by wisdom and humility, seeking justice and peace for all people. Grant them the courage to bridge divides and work towards unity, rooted in your truth and grace. Work in the hearts and minds of all of our leaders that they along with your whole church would seek first your kingdom so that order, liberty, and peace may dwell with all people.

Lord, we pray for those who have been hurt by violence and hatred, especially those affected by recent tragedies. Comfort them in their grief, heal their wounds, and restore their hope. May your Spirit bring healing and reconciliation where there is brokenness and division.

Father, empower your Church to be a beacon of light in the darkness, a place of refuge and reconciliation. Help us to live out our identity as citizens of your kingdom, where love triumphs over hate and unity over division. Inspire us to reach out across barriers, to build relationships based on your love, and to proclaim your gospel of peace to all people. Help us to be living examples, lights on the hill, salt of the earth.

We lift up these prayers, trusting in your sovereign power and your promise of peace. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray. Amen


Liturgy for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Year 2 (Mark)


Liturgy for the 11th Sunday after Pentencost, Year B (Mark)