Confirmation Week 2: The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-56)
Week 2: Luke 1:26-56 — The Announcement of Jesus’ Birth to Mary
To Do: Read this passage in your study bible. Think about these questions and your own experience. We will discuss the passage and our answers in our meeting. Remember to set a reminder for your prayer routine.
Bible Study Lesson for Luke 1:26-56
The Angel Brings Big News
Mary’s life takes a surprising turn when the angel Gabriel visits her with news that will change everything. She’s young, probably dreaming about her future with Joseph, when God steps in with a much bigger plan. Gabriel tells her she will give birth to Jesus, the Son of God, whose kingdom will never end. Mary could have panicked or refused, but instead, she says, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord” (Luke 1:38, NRSV). It’s a powerful moment of trust and surrender. She accepts that God’s plans are bigger than her own, even if it means sacrificing the life she imagined.
Nothing Is Impossible
Mary wonders how any of this can happen since she’s a virgin, but Gabriel reminds her, “Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). That’s a truth we all need sometimes. When life feels overwhelming or problems seem too big, it’s easy to get stuck in fear. But this story shows us that God’s power isn’t limited by our circumstances. We pray because we know God can handle what we can’t. In those moments when we’ve felt like things were impossible, it’s worth stopping to thank God for showing up.
Remember, prayer invites God into our circumstances. Praise thanks God for showing up.
Mary’s Song of Praise
After hearing Elizabeth’s blessing, Mary bursts into praise. Her song, often called the Magnificat, thanks God for lifting up the lowly and keeping His promises. Mary’s words are filled with gratitude and awe at what God is doing in her life and for His people. Praise is powerful because it shifts our focus from our struggles to God’s goodness. Think about the times God has been faithful to you. Like Mary, we can praise God for stepping into our lives and turning impossible situations into something beautiful.
Living Open and Thankful
Mary’s story challenges us to be open to what God might do in our lives, even when it’s unexpected. It also reminds us that faith often requires trust, sacrifice, and thanksgiving. Mary trusted God’s plan, even when it upended hers. She prayed and praised, not just for herself, but for what God was doing for the whole world. As we reflect on her story, let’s consider where we can be more open to God’s plans and how we can take time to thank him for what He’s done.
Reflection Questions:
Mary is young and probably had dreams of her future life, but God had other plans. It’s amazing that she was able to be so open to what God had for her. She responded to the message of the angel by saying, “Here is your servant,” meaning, “I’m here to do what you want.” What do you think of that?
In verse 37 the angel replies, “. . .nothing will be impossible for God.” Have you ever felt like something was just way too big for you to handle? Have you ever felt overwhelmed? I have. It’s not fun. That’s why we pray and turn things over to God. Take a few moments to recall those times you felt the impossible. Give thanks to God for being there for you or your loved ones.
In verse 46, Mary sings a song of praise to God. Pray invites God into our situation. Praise acknowledges that God showed up for us and helped. Are there some things you can praise God for?
Dear God, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for ______, _______, and ______, because _____________. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Ideas We Will Discuss