Identity and Belonging: Lessons from Ephesians 1:3-14


I opened my sermon, Have You Looked into the Water with a short retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s story, The Ugly Duckling. I summarize it here for a meaningful connection.

Once upon a time, in a barnyard, a mother duck sat upon her eggs. At last, the eggs hatched, and one was peculiar. Unlike his siblings, he was larger and uglier. The other barnyard animals mocked and bullied him relentlessly. It was so unbearable that he ran away, seeking a place where he might belong.

He wandered the countryside, encountering various animals, but each encounter reinforced his first experience of rejection. In one instance, he stayed with an old woman, her hen, and her cat, but they too ultimately rejected him.

Autumn turned to winter, and bad turned to worse. Almost frozen to death and contemplating his woeful state, he saw a group of majestic swans flying overhead and felt a powerful, indescribable longing inside of himself.

Winter passed. With the arrival of spring, now grown, he found himself near a pond. To his delight, he saw the swans again, swimming beautifully. Tired of his isolation and loneliness, he decided to approach them, even if that meant being rejected or pecked to death. To his surprise, they not only welcomed him but praised his beauty. This touched him so much that he bowed his head, which allowed him to gaze into the water, where he saw his reflection for the first time. He was no ugly duckling but was a beautiful swan.

Discovering Your True Identity

The story of the ugly duckling resonates deeply because it reflects our own search for identity. Just as the duckling discovered its true nature as a swan, Ephesians 1 reveals that we are inherently children of God, destined for transformation through Christ. The passage begins with a declaration: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing" (Ephesians 1:3, ESV). This blessing isn't just a vague notion; it's a profound truth that shapes our identity.

As human beings, we often grapple with questions of who we are and where we belong. Society bombards us with labels—success, failure, beautiful, flawed—yet God's Word offers a different perspective. It tells us that our primary identity is rooted in being chosen by God before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). This means that before we ever questioned our worth or sought acceptance from others, God had already chosen us as His own.

Living Confidently in God's Love

Understanding our identity as God's beloved children empowers us to live with confidence and purpose. Despite the world's standards of acceptance based on appearance, achievements, or popularity, God's love for us is unconditional and unchanging. Ephesians 1:6 assures us, "to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved" (ESV). Our worth isn't defined by fleeting external measures but by the eternal love of our Heavenly Father.

Embracing a New Perspective

The journey of the ugly duckling didn't end with its transformation into a swan; similarly, our spiritual transformation is ongoing. Ephesians 1:7-8 speaks of redemption and forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice, highlighting God's desire to reconcile us to Himself despite our shortcomings. This offers a new perspective on our struggles and failures—we are not defined by them but by God's grace that restores and renews us.

Practical Steps to Embrace Your Identity

1.     Reflect on Scripture: Regularly meditate on passages like Ephesians 1:3-14 to remind yourself of God's love and purpose for you.

2.     Reject Negative Labels: Resist the temptation to define yourself by any other standard than being a beloved child of God.

3.     Seek Community: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage and support you in your journey of faith.

4.     Serve Others: Use your unique gifts and identity in Christ to serve others, reflecting God's love and grace in tangible ways.


The story of the ugly duckling teaches us that appearances can be deceiving and that true identity is often discovered beneath the surface. Similarly, Ephesians 1 invites us to look beyond worldly measures of success and acceptance and to embrace our identity as beloved children of God. As you navigate life's challenges and uncertainties, may you find assurance in knowing that you are chosen, accepted, and deeply loved by the One who created you.

Embrace your identity in Christ, live out your purpose, and let God's grace guide you through every season of life. Remember, your true reflection is found not in the opinions of others but in the unwavering love of your Heavenly Father.



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