A sermon is a talk. It is a conversation between God and the preacher, the preacher and him/herself, and the preacher and the listener. It is a beautiful, delightful dance of truth, memory, and possibility. Like a dance, a conversation can meander around the room gracefully, all the while leading you to end up right where you started - with a hopeful prayer.
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Streams of Mercy Never Ceasing
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet in John 13. Peter protests this action, but why? Perhaps he realizes that Jesus was willing to do for him what Peter was not willing to do for others —be humble and serve.
Figuring Out Faith: He to Rescue Me From Danger
Matthew 14 teaches that the storm rages and Peter asks to walk with Christ on the water while the disciples remain in the boat. What does faith look like in the storms of life?
Figuring Out Faith: Jesus Sought Me as a Stranger
Peter became an important part of the Church, but he started off as a stranger, just like me and you. Jesus calls us to follow him and to own our faith. Luke 5 and John 21 are the passages.
Baptism into a Kingdom of Gracious Tomorrows
Baptism is to be a living reality not a one-time affair in our lives. John welcomes us to the water and Jesus invites us into the kingdom of gracious tomorrows.
Did Jesus Really Mean I Need to “Hate” My Parents?
Jesus worried that the listeners had not seriously considered what faithfulness looks like. His words seem incredibly harsh, but they are deeply wise. Sometimes reducing the options clarifies our choices.