The Beautiful Budding Faith of Nicodemus


David Dark, the author of Life's too Short to Pretend You Aren't Religious has a phrase I have come to love: "There are many ways to love God." Amen.

If there are many ways to love God, that means there are many ways to be a believer. No two people and no two faiths are the same. The Lord is one, but the Lord’s people are diverse.

John 3, our text for this day, brings us to the story of Nicodemus. Many wonder, “Is Nicodemus a believer? Was Nicodemus a Christian? Some wonder, if Nicodemus is a Pharisee, how could he believe? Many people wonder, if Nicodemus is disqualified for not knowing answers, then am I disqualified for not knowing something?

I used to think Nicodemus missed the boat entirely, but now I see Nicodemus’ love for God. It takes on the form of earnest searching, a willingness to admit confusion. It takes on the form of defending fairness, offering helping, and giving dignity.

Today, Nicodemus, little ole biblical Nicodemus, is going to show us there are many ways to love God.

An electric lantern is set against a black background. This reminds me of Nicodemus coming in the night searching for answers from his Rabbi Jesus.

Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night with his questions and finds the true light.

How I Misunderstood Nicodemus’ Faith

After reading this passage in the past, I concluded that Nicodemus is a scaredy cat and non-committal. He must come to Jesus at night so no one can see him - chicken. What else does it mean to be a Christian than to be willing to be associated with Jesus?

Further, the types of questions Nicodemus asked our questions outsiders ask. This is the basics! Jesus even says so.

We do not have to have all the answers to love God well.

Finally, since he is unaware of the Spirit's role in salvation, I thought he must have zero experience with the grace-giving Spirit of God. Therefore, there exists a double darkness in the passage and the physical night and the spiritual night of ignorance within Nicodemus.

Turns out it was me and not Nicodemus who is ignorant..

A Budding Believer

The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches consider Nicodemus a saint, so how did we move from questions at night to sainthood?

Before this conversation with Jesus, Nicodemus likely had an encounter with Jesus and was a budding believer. Two things lead me to that conclusion.

Reason 1: Passover Signs lead to faith

In John’s gospel, Jesus works miracles that serve as “signs,” that testify to his identity as the Messiah. The reason Jesus and Nicodemus are in Jerusalem, is because of the Passover festival.

In the text before this one, we read:

When he [Jesus] was in Jerusalem during the Passover festival, many believed in his name because they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part would not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to testify about anyone; for he himself knew what was in everyone.

The Gospel of John, chapter 2, verses 23-25

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and was also a member of an important religious council. He would have been in Jerusalem paying attention to someone like Jesus. While Jesus is in Jerusalem he works sign and many believe.

When Nicodemus introduces himself to Jesus in John 3 he says, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one can do these things apart from the presence of God.”

This is a major endorsement!

Reason 2: "Rabbi" is used by followers

The second reason I believe Nicodemus is a budding believer is this: in the gospel of John, the only people who call Jesus "Rabbi," are those who follow him: Nathanael in 1:49; Nicodemus in 3:2; disciples as a group in 1:38; 3:26; 4:31; 9:2; 11:8; the recently fed crowd in 6:25.

Yes, Nicodemus is a Pharisee but that does not mean he is not a follower of Jesus. The name "Christian" would not exist for years later. He is a follower, someone willing to be influenced by Jesus' teachings.

Nicodemus' Active Faith in Defending Jesus

It's one thing to love Jesus privately or to ask Jesus questions at night. It's another to take one's faith into the streets in the middle of the daylight. Let's look at how Nicodemus loves God next.

In John 7, Jesus is once again in Jerusalem celebrating a festival. This time it is the Feast of the Tabernacles, whose celebrations spanned 7 days. On each festival day, the priest would fill large bowls with water and then pour the water on the Temple altar.

The water symbolizes both the grace of God that washes us clean, but it also is symbolic of how God will "pour out the Spirit" on God's people. No wonder the people celebrated!

The Talmud, which is a collection of rabbinical teaching, asks the question, Why is the name of the festival called the Drawing Out of Water? The answer is Because of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, according to the words of the prophet, Isaiah (12:3), who says, "With joy shall ye draw out of the wells of salvation."

Water washes over rocks in a stream. Jesus refers to himself as living water.

Jesus referred to himself as living waters, a source that replenishes itself.

Here's the tight connection and then we will see Nicodemus. "Wells of salvation" is key, for the Hebrew word for salvation is "Yeshua," which is the pronunciation of Jesus' name in Hebrew. After the water is poured on the altar, Jesus says, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the Scriptures have said, 'out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'"

This teaching infuriates some who want to arrest Jesus for blasphemy and for causing such a disturbance. This matter reaches the council, which Nicodemus is part of and the vehement people say, "Why didn't you arrest him when you had the chance?!"

Nicodemus spoke, "Our law does not judge people without first giving them a hearing to find out what they are doing, does it?"

Nicodemus advocates for fairness and not rushing to judgment. This is a great way to love God. Advocating for justice and fairness is faith in action.

Some hearers respond derisively, “Surely you are not someone who supports him!”

Nicodemus on the Darkest Day

Beyond the council meeting in John 7, Nicodemus stays engaged in the life and teaching of Jesus.

The next time we see Nicodemus, the unthinkable happens: Jesus is arrested and killed by the State after an unfair trial. We now turn to chapter 19.

Chapter 19 introduces us to a new character named Joseph of Arimathea, who is described as a “secret believer.” Joseph persuaded Pilate to let him take the brutalized body of Jesus off the cross and give him a proper burial.

Who joins Joseph in this endeavor? Nicodemus. We read:

“Nicodemus, who had at first come to Jesus by night, also came, bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing about a hundred pounds. They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen cloths, according to the burial custom of the Jews. Now there was a garden in the place where he was crucified, and in the garden, there was a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid. And so, because it was the Jewish day of Preparation, and the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.” (JOHN 19:39-42)

Nicodemus brought myrrh and aloes weighing 100 pounds. It is worth noting that the cost of myrrh in the first century was $4,000 a pound.

Here is a man, who on the saddest day in history and at one of the most horrific sites of State murder, is helping unfasten and clean the body of the man who changed his life.

What a way to love God!

Rethinking Nicodemus and John 3

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night because nighttime was a time set aside to study the Torah. He is looking for answers, so he goes to his Rabbi, the one he follows.

We do not have to have all the answers to love God well. Nicodemus is willing to live with unanswered questions and he is willing to live in the tension.

When we have doubts and questions, we can go to Jesus.

Some people judge their own faith too harshly, thinking that confusion is a disqualifier. The bible states that living on earth is “by faith and not by sight.” Every day is a trust-oriented life with God. It requires us to walk into the unknown.

It is indeed inspiring to be with someone who has a well-thought-out faith and can verbalize the nuances of theology so well. It is no less inspiring to see someone who is uncertain link arms with others and be dedicated to one another as the church. That is one way to love God.

People who are open in their faith help me. People who are committed to friendship and to being part of a congregation AS they figure out what it is they believe and don't believe help me too. We need each other because we all need to see all the ways to love God.

We can love God in our answers and we can love God with our questions. Most of all, we can love God by being charitable with how we judge the journey and trajectory of someone's life and faith.

Our John 3 text says it all, it is God who loves you and it is God who loves this world.

God loves you so much that God gave Jesus to you. With Jesus, no question is off-limits, however, we do need to be willing to hear his answer and rebuttal.

God will sustain us to live with these questions and when our days are done we will enjoy the answers forever—together.


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