The Transfiguration of Jesus, Part 2

Elijah and Moses join the disciples on the mountain and see Jesus in transfiguration. May we also see Christ as he truly is.

The Transfiguration of Jesus with Elijah and Moses

Part 1 on the transfiguration of Jesus from Matthew 17 can be read here.

There are nearly 3,000 individuals named in the Old Testament, so for Elijah and Moses to be here is important. What's going on?

Moses represents the redemption and salvation of God’s people from Egypt, the land of slavery. They were held under the tyrant Pharaoh for 430 years. God provided Moses to lead them out of Egypt safely. Moses also represents the Law, the ethical ways God wants them to embrace as they live together freely.

Elijah represents the prophets who are the conscience of society. Prophets remind the people of the Law, saying, “Remember, God wants us to live in this way because this way is fair, just, and equitable.”

This is a picture of Gerard David's "The Transfiguration of Christ." Notice, it is not the "Transformation of Christ." Christ is not transforming into something he isn't. He is transfiguring. His real identity is being revealed.

Gerard David's "The Transfiguration of Christ" The side panels were added later to honor the family who funded this work.

Moses and Elijah agree. This is the fulfillment.

That’s why we need to notice that it is, “The Transfiguration of Christ,” and not the “Transformation of Christ.” Christ is not being transformed into something he isn’t. His fuller identity is being revealed. The Law and the Prophets attest to this.

Who is Jesus? What Does the Transfiguration of Jesus Teach Us?

Let me tell you two stories I hope will help.

When I was in seminary I worked at this great outdoor parking lot across the street from some great restaurants and the San Francisco Bay. It was a great job that allowed me to read for school while talking with people throughout the day.

In that part of California, there are many music and movie studios. , You are bound to see and meet celebrities.

One day I’m in the booth and a car pulls in. I see a man with salt-and-pepper hair and a beard, and he is wearing a flannel shirt. I knew immediately it was George Lucas, the big-time movie producer. His company, Skywalker Ranch, was about 15 minutes away. He pushes the button on the machine and gets his parking ticket and drives off to park.

This is an aerial photograph of the San Francisco Bay. San Francisco is to the right and Oakland to the left. Tiburon is to the left in the cove close to Angel Island.

An aerial view of the Bay, with Tiburon to the middle left.

Several hours later he drives to the exit, hands me the ticket, and sighs that $7 was too much to pay for parking! No, $12 is too much to pay to see a prequel. Off he goes. I knew him by sight.

Another encounter I had with a celebrity was different. I didn’t know them by sight. I worked in a village coffee shop. It was a great job, was always busy, and from time to time you’d hear chatter that a superstar was in town recording an album.

One afternoon, my coworker, who is also my close friend, hears the door open, looks at the customer, and says to me, “Why don’t you help her at the register and I’ll make the drink.” Sure.

I turned around and do you know who it was? Me neither.

However, she is very friendly, upbeat, pleasant to be with, and has red hair with a little grey. We talked about music and spent about 10 minutes together. They leave and my friend asks me, “Do you know who that was?” 


That is Bonnie Raitt. I said {facetiously in the sermon}, “The Grammy award-winning musician who released a series of critically acclaimed roots-influenced albums that incorporated elements of blues, rock, folk, and country?” (Wikipedia)

Yes, that Bonnie Raitt.

A photo of the great Bonnie Raitt, one of the friendliest people I've ever met.

Bonnie Raitt, it was a latte or mocha. Nevertheless, she is one of the friendliest and kindest people I’ve ever met.

In the parking lot, I knew George Lucas by sight. He was popular and Star Wars was getting a lot of attention. I knew him immediately.

In the café, I didn’t recognize her. I knew her music, I needed someone to simply say, “Hey, this is her identity. That is Bonnie Raitt” 

The law and the prophets are in conversation with us. They aim to reveal to us the true identity of Jesus so that we'd be better able to recognize Jesus when we interact with him.

When we read Moses and the Prophets we do well to remember, “They are trying to teach me to recognize Jesus when I see him.”

The Church Lifts Christ Up So He Can Be Revealed

I love what Peter says, “It is good for us to be here.” He offers hospitality. Anytime you get to know more about Jesus, it’s a good place.

The inside dome of The Church of The Transfiguration of Jesus

It is good to be with Moses and Elijah. It is good to be in the presence of Christ. It is good to be here together.

I pray that God would build us into a congregation that says of the worship service, “It is good to be here as we learn together." 

Sometimes the worship service just feels like a normal gathering. And yet, sometimes, through the work of the Spirit, this ordinary room and this ordinary worship service feel like the most special place on earth.

The presence of God can transform a mountain and even a worship service to a special place.

As we read the Word, pray, and sing, each of us will see more of who Christ truly is.

And when we do get a better glimpse, let us proclaim with full joy, "It is good for us to be here."


The Transfiguration of Jesus, Part 1


God Does Not Use a Helicopter