A sermon is a talk. It is a conversation between God and the preacher, the preacher and him/herself, and the preacher and the listener. It is a beautiful, delightful dance of truth, memory, and possibility. Like a dance, a conversation can meander around the room gracefully, all the while leading you to end up right where you started - with a hopeful prayer.
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Jonah and the Whale: A Love Story
Jonah and the Whale teaches us a lot. God tells Jonah to go to the Ninevites, his perceived enemies, and tell them of God’s love. He refuses and God intervenes through the use of a large fish. Ultimately, Jonah reluctantly preaches and the Ninevites believe the good news.
Sharks in the Water!
In this evocative passage, Jesus presses us to realize the purifying power of Divine love which helps us see the dangers, the sharks that lurk within us. Click here to read the passage (Luke 12:49-56)
Hey Now, Sermons Make Disastrous Towers
In this commissioning sermon from Genesis 11, I preach about the Tower of Babel. It is easy to use the sermon like a tower, a place to hide from our fears or a place to use for our vanity. The Lord, however, is our true refuge and strength.
Baptism into a Kingdom of Gracious Tomorrows
Baptism is to be a living reality not a one-time affair in our lives. John welcomes us to the water and Jesus invites us into the kingdom of gracious tomorrows.
The Good Samaritan Story Luke 10
This passage is familiar and yet tricky and the lesson we often hear from it is the exact mindset that Jesus was trying to push against.
The Sabbath Can Bring You Freedom and Make You Happy
The Sabbath is not a religious burden but a divine gift. Jesus heals a crippled woman in Luke 13:10-17 and a conversation ensues about the purpose of the sabbath.
The Going of Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:1-4
In God we receive a home away from home.
Abraham and Sarah trust God and leave all they have ever known. In God, we receive a home away from home
Cutting Covenant with Abraham -Genesis 15
Promises show we value the other person. Keeping our word strengthens relationships, while broken promises harm them. Read how God's promise to bless the world through Abraham reflects His unwavering commitment.
Jesus Christ and the Golden Hour
In this Christmas Sermon from Luke 1: Most of our waking and active moments are lived between the golden hour of the morning and the blue of the evening. Christ is the Light of God’s grace that shines upon us.
Sam Cooke Sang Me the Gospel
Lazarus' resurrection in John 11 was a long time coming for his loved ones but change came with the spoken words of Christ. Today we trust the same Lord who will speak and renew our hearts and this whole creation. This is the gospel!
The Parable of the Great Banquet
Jesus’ parable of the great banquet in Luke 14 allows us to consider what it means for God to be a host and a guest. God welcomes and invites. Will we receive God as a guest? Likewise, will we extend to God such a generous welcome, and do the same for others?
10 Differences Between Genesis 1 and 2
Why are Genesis 1 and 2 important? They both tell the story of creation and are foundational accounts of creation, each offering unique perspectives and insights. In this blog post I write about the 10 Key Differences Between Genesis 1 and 2.
Genesis Chapter 1 - God Creates
What does Genesis 1 tell us about God? It describes the creation of the world by God. This chapter lays the groundwork for the rest of Scripture and provides insights into the nature of God, humanity, and the cosmos. In this blog post, we’ll explore the structure, themes, and theological significance of Genesis 1.
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
The Tower of Babel in the Bible (Genesis 11:1-9) enlivens our imagination. In this devotional, I go into the story and imagine it from another point of view.
God Sees and Blesses Hagar
God shows tenderness, love, and generosity to Hagar, the very things Abraham and Sarah would not. This story is a reminder that "Me Too," has always been. How did Hagar and Ishmael survive in the wilderness? They are regarded Hagar regarded as beloved in the eyes of God.
Did Jesus Really Mean I Need to “Hate” My Parents?
Jesus worried that the listeners had not seriously considered what faithfulness looks like. His words seem incredibly harsh, but they are deeply wise. Sometimes reducing the options clarifies our choices.
Finding God in the Lost and Found
We all lose our way. The question is, when I do is there a way back? The story of Scripture is filled with people who lost their way. Some came back, some didn't. Some thought they had lost hope, but they found it and so much more in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Trusting and Trying in a Very Big God
The disciples are unnerved by Jesus' announcement of his upcoming departure, yet Jesus trusts God's ability to work through them! Can we be so bold to trust God to work through us when we feel so underequipped?
I Was Blind, But Now I See (John 9)
The man born blind has a startling encounter with Jesus and is healed! Yet, his transformation leads to trouble as people are upset he changed!
5 Reasons Jesus Was Baptized
Why was Jesus baptized? Why is baptism so important? Was Jesus Baptized because He Needed to Repent of Sin? We have so many questions about baptism!
Here are 5 reasons Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.