Luke 14 Chapter Summary and Ouline

Book of Luke Chapter 14: A Sabbath Lesson and a Call to Humility

Luke Chapter 14 Summary

This chapter holds teachings on humility, hospitality, and, once again, the cost of discipleship. During a Sabbath meal at a Pharisee's house, Jesus heals a man with dropsy, thus challenging the leader's focus on legalism. He encourages inviting the poor and marginalized to feasts. Keeping with that theme, Jesus speaks about a Great Feast in a parable, illustrating the unexpected nature of God's invitation to the kingdom and the need for a wholehearted response. Jesus makes it clear that the call deserves the highest priority. 

Luke Chapter 14 Outline

Healing on the Sabbath (14:1-6)

Jesus is invited to dine at the house of a prominent Pharisee on the Sabbath. He heals a man with dropsy, challenging the religious leaders' preoccupation with legalistic rules.

Choosing the Places of Honor (14:7-11)

Jesus teaches a lesson about humility, encouraging guests to take the lowest seats at a feast. He emphasizes that true honor comes from God.

Invite the Poor and Marginalized (14:12-14)

Jesus encourages his audience to invite the poor, crippled, lame, and blind to their feasts, highlighting the importance of hospitality to those who cannot repay them.

The Parable of the Great Feast (14:15-24)

Jesus tells a parable about a man who throws a great feast and invites many guests, but they all decline. The host then sends his servants to invite the poor and marginalized, who fill the house. This parable illustrates the unexpected nature of God's invitation to the kingdom and the importance of responding to his call.

Counting the Cost of Discipleship (14:25-33)

Jesus addresses a large crowd, emphasizing the importance of counting the cost of following him. He uses metaphors of building a tower and going to war to illustrate the commitment required to be his disciple.

Salt That Has Lost Its Saltiness (14:34-35)

Jesus compares a disciple who has abandoned his commitment to salt that has lost its saltiness. He emphasizes the importance of genuine commitment to following him


Luke 15 Chapter Summary and Outline


Luke 13 Chapter Summary and Outline