Luke 16 Chapter Summary and Outline

Book of Luke Chapter 16: Decisions with Ongoing Consequences

Jesus teaches about stewardship, wealth, and the consequences of one's actions in light of giving an account in the presence of God. Jesus tells the Parable of the Dishonest Manager, which often befuddles preachers, for the negative example is used as a positive example. He also teaches about the dangers of loving money and the need for faithfulness in both large and small responsibilities. Keeping with the theme of money and lasting decisions, Jesus tells the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, illustrating the stark contrast between the eternal fates of the wealthy who neglect the poor and the faithful who suffer.

Luke Chapter 16 Outline

The Parable of the Dishonest Manager (16:1-9)

Jesus tells a parable about a dishonest manager who, when faced with dismissal, uses shrewd tactics to secure his future. The parable emphasizes the need for prudence and resourcefulness in using worldly wealth to prepare for eternity. 

Faithfulness in Little Things (16:10-13)

Jesus teaches that faithfulness in small matters reflects one’s ability to be trusted with greater responsibilities. He warns against serving both God and money, emphasizing that a person cannot serve two masters.

The Pharisees’ Love of Money (16:14-15)

The Pharisees, who love money, ridicule Jesus’ teaching. Jesus responds by pointing out that while people may value outward appearances, God knows the heart and values faithfulness over wealth.

The Law, Prophets, and the Kingdom (16:16-18)

Jesus speaks about the transition from the Law and the Prophets to the proclamation of the kingdom of God. He stresses the enduring nature of God’s law and briefly addresses the issue of divorce.

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (16:19-31)

Jesus tells a story of a rich man who lives in luxury and a poor man, Lazarus, who suffers outside his gate. After death, Lazarus is comforted in Abraham’s bosom while the rich man is in torment. The parable teaches about the reversal of fortunes in the afterlife and the importance of heeding God’s word while there is still time.


Luke’s Audience


Luke 15 Chapter Summary and Outline