Luke 22 Chapter Summary and Outline

Luke 22 Themes: Betrayal, Last Supper, and Agony in Gethsemane 

Luke Chapter 22 Summary

In this pivotal chapter, the narrative intensifies as Jesus prepares for his impending death. It begins with Judas Iscariot’s betrayal, culminating in the Last Supper, where Jesus institutes the practice of communion. Tensions rise as the disciples argue about greatness, prompting Jesus to redefine leadership through servanthood. As they move to the Mount of Olives, Jesus grapples with his impending crucifixion in the Garden of Gethsemane. This chapter encapsulates the themes of betrayal, sacrifice, and the profound depth of Jesus’ commitment to his mission.

 Luke Chapter 22 Outline

        1. The Plot to Betray Jesus (22:1-6)

The religious leaders conspire to arrest Jesus, and Judas Iscariot agrees to betray him for money. This act of treachery sets the stage for the unfolding drama of the crucifixion, emphasizing the depth of betrayal among Jesus’ closest followers.

        2. The Last Supper (22:7-23)

Jesus shares the Passover meal with his disciples, transforming it into a new covenant through his body and blood. This moment is pivotal, as Jesus foreshadows his sacrifice and establishes the practice of communion, inviting his followers into a deeper relationship with Him.

        3. Dispute Among the Disciples (22:24-30)

A disagreement arises among the disciples about who is the greatest. Jesus intervenes, teaching that true greatness comes through serving others. He models a radical redefinition of leadership, highlighting that greatness in God’s kingdom is marked by humility and service.

        4. Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial (22:31-34)

Jesus tells Peter that Satan has sought to sift him like wheat but assures him of his prayers. He predicts Peter’s denial, emphasizing the fragility of human commitment and the importance of faith amidst trial.

        5. Preparation for the Coming Trials (22:35-38)

Jesus instructs his disciples to prepare for the challenges ahead. He shifts the conversation to self-sufficiency and resilience, urging them to be vigilant as they face a hostile world.

        6. Agony in the Garden (22:39-46)

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus experiences profound anguish as he prays, wrestling with the weight of what is to come. His disciples, however, struggle to stay awake, illustrating the tension between divine purpose and human frailty.

        7. Betrayal and Arrest (22:47-53)

Judas arrives with a crowd to betray Jesus with a kiss. This moment marks the climax of betrayal and the beginning of Jesus’ suffering, as he is arrested in the presence of his followers. Jesus confronts the violence of his captors, illustrating his commitment to peace even in the face of aggression.

        8. Peter’s Denial (22:54-62)

As Jesus is led away, Peter follows at a distance but ultimately denies knowing him three times. This moment underscores the fragility of human loyalty, setting the stage for Peter’s eventual restoration.

        9. Jesus Mocked and Beaten (22:63-65)

The guards mock and beat Jesus, further illustrating the brutal reality of his impending crucifixion. This scene highlights the depth of human cruelty and foreshadows the sacrifice that Jesus will endure for humanity.


Luke 23 Chapter Summary and Outline


Luke 21 Chapter Summary and Outline