Luke 7 Chapter Summary and Outline

Chapter 7: Signs of the Kingdom and Questions of Identity

Luke Chapter 7 Summary

Jesus has power, compassion, and authority, and we see questions of his identity emerge. The chapter opens with the healing of a Roman centurion’s servant, which is surprising, showing us that Jesus responds to faith regardless of social status or ethnicity. John the Baptist’s disciples ask whether Jesus is the expected Messiah, prompting Jesus to point to his miraculous works as evidence. Is this the juxtaposition - faithful John is wavering and a faithful Roman is receiving?

Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead, demonstrating his authority over life and death.

The chapter concludes with a “sinful” woman anointing Jesus’ feet. Her act of love is contrasted with the self-righteousness of the Pharisees.

Luke Chapter 7 Outline

1. Healing the Centurion’s Servant (7:1-10)

A Roman centurion asks Jesus to heal his dying servant, showing great faith. Jesus is impressed by his faith and heals the servant from a distance.

2. Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son (7:11-17)

Jesus encounters a funeral procession for a widow’s only son and is moved by compassion and raises the young man from the dead, restoring him to life and his mother.

3. John the Baptist’s Question (7:18-35)

John the Baptist, in prison, sends his disciples to ask if Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus responds by pointing to his miracles as the fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus praises John, emphasizing his prophetic role and the arrival of God’s kingdom.

John’s dad, Zecharias would have similar faith-and-doubt issues: Ever Ancient, Always New: Faith and Growth Through Doubt (Luke 1:67-80)

4. The Anointing at Simon the Pharisee’s House (7:36-50):

A sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume, wiping them with her hair. Simon the Pharisee questions Jesus for allowing her to touch him. Jesus contrasts the woman’s love and repentance with Simon’s lack of hospitality, forgiving her sins because of her faith.

To me, there is a bit of tension in the chapter. There is faith in unexpected places. The Roman centurion, a Gentile and outsider to the Jewish faith, demonstrates extraordinary faith. Next, Jesus raises the son from the dead and restores him to his community. Yet, John the Baptist is a very faithful person who is doomed to die and will not be delivered, yet the Messiah has power and authority. What a complex life and faith we have.


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