Luke’s Audience
Who was Luke's audience? Uncover the diverse readership of his Gospel. Explore insights into early Christianity. Who is Theophilus? Who did Luke write to? These are important questions I seek to address as we study the book of Luke in the bible and who was Luke's intended audience.
Who Exactly Was Luke’s Audience?
Discover to whom Luke wrote his Gospel, exploring Theophilus’s significance and the diverse audience of early Christians seeking faith and understanding.
Who is Theophilus in the Bible?
Curious about Theophilus, mentioned in the Bible’s Gospel of Luke and Acts? Discover the possible identities of Theophilus and his significance in these key New Testament books through this straightforward blog post.
Who Was Luke’s Audience?
Who was Luke's audience? Uncover the diverse readership of his Gospel. Explore insights into early Christianity. Who is Theophilus? Who did Luke write to? These are important questions I seek to address.