Gospel of Matthew Outline
I. Introduction to Jesus the Messiah (1:1–4:11)
A. The Genealogy of Jesus (1:1–17)
• Traces Jesus’ lineage through Abraham and David, emphasizing His royal and messianic heritage.
B. The Birth of Jesus (1:18–25)
• The angel’s announcement to Joseph, highlights Jesus’ divine conception and fulfillment of prophecy.
C. The Visit of the Magi and Escape to Egypt (2:1–23)
• The Magi’s journey, Herod’s threat, and the family’s escape, showing God’s protection over Jesus.
D. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus (3:1–4:11)
• John the Baptist prepares the way, and Jesus is tested in the wilderness before beginning His ministry.
II. The Ministry of Jesus (4:12–18:35)
A. The Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry (4:12–17)
• Jesus begins preaching the kingdom of heaven in Galilee.
B. The Calling of the First Disciples (4:18–22)
• Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John to follow Him.
C. The Sermon on the Mount (5:1–7:29)
• Jesus teaches about the kingdom, addressing key moral teachings, the Beatitudes, and how to live as His followers.
D. Miracles and Healings (8:1–9:34)
• Jesus performs various miracles, demonstrating His authority over sickness, nature, and spiritual forces.
E. The Cost of Following Jesus (8:18–9:38)
• Jesus teaches about discipleship, the challenges of following Him, and the need for workers in the harvest.
F. The Sending of the Twelve Apostles (10:1–42)
• Jesus sends His disciples to preach, heal, and proclaim the coming of the kingdom.
G. Parables of the Kingdom (13:1–53)
• Jesus uses parables to teach about the kingdom of God, illustrating the mysteries of faith.
H. Jesus’ Power and Authority (14:1–18:35)
• Stories of Jesus performing miracles, including feeding the 5,000, walking on water, and the transfiguration.
• The teachings on forgiveness, greatness in the kingdom, and the lost sheep.
III. The Final Stages of Jesus’ Ministry (19:1–25:46)
A. Teachings on Marriage, Wealth, and the Kingdom (19:1–30)
• Jesus addresses the nature of marriage, the challenges of wealth, and the rewards of following Him.
B. The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (20:1–16)
• A story about God’s grace and the unexpected nature of His kingdom.
C. The Predicting of His Death and Resurrection (20:17–19)
• Jesus foretells His passion, death, and resurrection for the third time.
D. The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (21:1–11)
• Jesus enters Jerusalem as the Messiah, fulfilling prophecy.
E. The Cleansing of the Temple (21:12–17)
• Jesus drives out the money changers, emphasizing the temple as a house of prayer.
F. Parables of Judgment and the Kingdom (21:28–22:14)
• Jesus teaches about judgment, faithfulness, and the invitation to the kingdom of God.
G. Disputes with Religious Leaders (22:15–23:39)
• Jesus responds to challenges from the Pharisees and Sadducees, denouncing hypocrisy and predicting the fall of Jerusalem.
H. The Olivet Discourse (24:1–25:46)
• Jesus teaches about the end times, His second coming, and the importance of being ready.
IV. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus (26:1–28:20)
A. The Plot to Kill Jesus (26:1–5)
• Religious leaders plan to arrest and kill Jesus.
B. The Last Supper and Betrayal (26:17–30)
• Jesus shares His final meal with His disciples, instituting the Lord’s Supper.
C. Jesus’ Arrest and Trial (26:31–27:26)
• Jesus is betrayed, denied by Peter, and condemned to death by Pilate.
D. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus (27:27–56)
• Jesus is crucified, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies, and His death is marked by cosmic events.
E. The Burial of Jesus (27:57–61)
• Jesus is laid in a tomb, guarded by soldiers.
F. The Resurrection of Jesus (28:1–10)
• Jesus rises from the dead, appearing to Mary Magdalene and others.
G. The Great Commission (28:16–20)
• Jesus commissions His disciples to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey His commands.