The Gospels
Why are Matthew, Mark, and Luke Called “The Synoptic” Gospels?
The beloved gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke share a significant overlap in content, structure, and wording, yet each tells the story of Jesus in profound ways. What does synoptic mean? Why isn’t John included? It’s easier to understand than one might think. Let’s get to it!
Mary's Song and God's Heart
Mary’s Magnificat, or Mary’s Song in Luke 1 shows us God’s heart. In the incarnation of Jesus, God decided to become closely entangled in the messy affairs of humans.
What Does it Mean that Jesus is a Tabernacle?
John 1 teaches that God dwells with us in Jesus Christ. The phrase used is “he tabernacled with us” which references the Old Testament place of worship. What does it mean that Jesus is a tabernacle?
Mary and Martha
Mary and Martha love Jesus, but Martha is distracted by cares, so Jesus invites her into restful worship. How easy it is to lose sight of Jesus in our busyness!