Easter Sunday Liturgy, Year B (Mark)

I’m delighted to share the worship liturgy I write and we use (some I borrow, which I cite) at The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, New York. I hope it enriches your spiritual journey individually and as a community. If you find it helpful and use it in your gatherings, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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This liturgy is modified from the work of Sanctified Art. I bought their “A Wandering Heart” Series and modified it to our worship needs. Highly recommend!

Call to Worship

Yesterday we thought death had won. Yesterday we thought all was lost. Yesterday we thought Christ was gone.

But not today! Today we know love has won. Today we know that hope is real. Today we know that Christ is here.

We have a reason to hope.

We have a reason to sing.



Christ is risen today.

Prayer of Confession

The stone is rolled away! We assume it is a mistake. The angels say, "He is not here!" We assume their news is fake. The women tell the story, but we do not want to hear it. Peter runs to the tomb, but we do not understand. Forgive us for seeing discarded burial clothes and still holding tight to death. Forgive us for pushing away reasons to hope when you are alive and well in the world. Teach us to see what you see. Unravel the threads of our unbelief.

Assurance of Pardon

Our assurance of pardon is from Isaiah 43:1. The angels tell the women, "Remember what Jesus told you." So, wonderful people who are created in the image of God, you are seen, forgiven, and held in God's grace." All of this true. Grace and mercy abound for you.

So rest in this good news: "This is what the LORD says--he who created you and formed you; I have called you by name; you are mine!"

Prayer of Illumination

God of new beginnings, on that first new morning, the disciples struggled to hear the good news. Doubt clouded their minds. Negativity took root and hope vanished with a simple shake of their heads. As we return to this familiar text, help us to hear differently or deeply this morning. Open our ears that we might hear the sound of Alleluias ringing through this text. Open up our minds that the mystery and joy of Easter might feel within reach. Open up our hearts that we might believe the unbelievable. God of the empty tomb, fill us with new life and abundant hope. With hope in our hearts we listen and pray, Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

It is astonishing what you can do, God. We acknowledge the presence of your grace in our lives. We acknowledge our desire to help others and we ask that in whatever way you deem best, you would use us to heal your world. Amen.


Second Sunday after Easter, Year B (Mark)