Second Sunday after Easter, Year B (Mark)

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During Lent and Easter, I used A Sanctified Art’s series, “My Wandering Heart,” and modified their work for our needs. This liturgy is a hybrid of my original and theirs.

Call to Worship

One: Today the Table is prepared, and a place is reserved for all.

All: I have wondered if there was a place on earth just for me.

One: Today the Lord takes the basin and the towel and washes with water.

All: I have wondered if there was someone who cared for me.

One: Today the Lord says, "Come, follow me."

All: I have wondered if there was a purpose for my life.

One: Siblings who are also created in the image of God, our Lord Jesus, who is great in love, has prepared the Table and cares for you. Therefore, your life is filled with imperishable worth and meaning. Let us rejoice and be glad together!

Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, we see the Table set before and the bread and cup remind us that your body and very life were given to redeem us and your world. There have been times this week when Easter did not last very long inside of our hearts, leaving us as empty as that tomb. As we eat and drink, please fill us with your grace and Spirit so that we may by your mercy, justice, and compassion-loving children in our community. Give us new life, O Lord.

Assurance of Pardon

Our assurance of pardon is from Matthew 18:15-22 and Psalm 119.

Family and friends with all sorts of faith, one time Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone. Jesus told Peter to forgive with abundant, never-ending forgiveness. That loving abundance exists for you as well.

No matter what you have done or left undone, no matter what lessons you have learned or are still learning, God's abundant grace exists for you. God's love will never run out.

So hear and rest in this good news: You are forgiven. You are loved. You are invited to serve. Thanks be to God! Amen.

Prayer of Illumination

Creative and Restorative God, open our minds that the mystery and joy of Easter might feel within reach. Open our hearts that we might believe what often seems unbelievable. And like Peter, in this hearing, may we move closer to you. Like Saint Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church, please wash us with your Word today. God of the empty tomb, we are hungry for your good news. Speak to us. With hope in our hearts we listen and pray. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

Nothing is impossible or too wonderful for you, O God. So we pray that you would exceed our wildest imaginations as to how you use our tithes, offerings, and prayers to positively impact the beautiful people of our cities and towns. Amen.


Third Sunday of Easter, year B (Mark)


Easter Sunday Liturgy, Year B (Mark)