Third Sunday of Easter, year B (Mark)

I’m delighted to share the worship liturgy I write and we use (some I borrow, which I cite) at The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, New York. I hope it enriches your spiritual journey individually and as a community. If you find it helpful and use it in your gatherings, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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bold denotes all

Call to Worship

One: Jesus said, "Follow me."

All: Jesus said, "Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid."

One: Jesus said, "Forgive seventy times seven."

All: Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."

One: In response, we say:

All: "Here's my heart. Take and seal it. Seal it for thy courts above."

Prayer of Confession

Lord, like Peter, despite our faith, we make mistakes. Even with our beliefs, we carry unbelief. With our love, we can cause hurt. Like Peter, God, we return to you in prayer, confessing the truth of our lives, knowing that grace and mercy are like a stream never ceasing.

Assurance of Pardon

Our assurance of pardon is from Psalm 136.

We experience ups and downs, good days and bad, but God's love never wavers. With the songwriter long ago in the book of Psalms we rejoice, "Give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good. The love of the Lord never ever ends!"

Lord may your name be glorified in us and through us. We ask this through Christ Jesus, your only begotten son. It is he who is our Lord and our Savior, our brother and our friend.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Prayer of Illumination

God of many chances, God of grace, meet us here just as you met the disciples in the boat, in the storm, and at the beach. Walk toward us and gather us in. Like Peter, we have known storms. This week, people in this room and those listening elsewhere have known storms; they have grieved and experienced loneliness, uncertainty, and stress. Your word long ago calmed the storm and the disciples' hearts and your word to Peter restored his faith. So we express our faith in the power of your Word now and ask you to walk toward us in these words from our pastor. Meet us here. Meet us now. Gather us in. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

God, in the very first days, you created all things from nothing, just by your word. Today, we ask that you perform another miracle: that you would create a more just, fair, and equitable world through our lives and offerings so that life on earth would flourish and your good name be praised. Amen.


Liturgy for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Mark)


Second Sunday after Easter, Year B (Mark)