Liturgy for Baptism of Our Lord Sunday (Year C, Luke)

Liturgy for the Baptism of the Lord

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Call to Worship

One: Come, all who are called by God’s name, and celebrate the Light of the world, Jesus Christ!

All: We gather in awe, remembering the waters of creation, the waters of baptism, and the Spirit that moves within us.

One: As God spoke creation into being, we too hear the call to life and renewal.

All: With joy, we offer our hearts to God, ready to receive the life-giving Spirit.

One: Let us open our hearts to the voice of God, the Spirit that empowers us to walk in faith.

All: With gratitude and reverence, let us worship the Lord!

Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, in the waters of baptism, you claim us as your own. Yet, we confess that we have not always lived as those who bear your name. We have turned from your call to justice and mercy, and have failed to live in the light of your Spirit. Forgive us for the times we have resisted your grace. Renew us in the waters of your love, and empower us to live as faithful witnesses to your truth. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon (Mark 1:11)

Beloved, hear the good news: As Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, the voice of God proclaimed, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you, I am well pleased.” In Christ, you are forgiven and made new. With you, God is well pleased! Thanks be to God!

Prayer of Illumination

Loving God, as we hear your word today, may the waters of your grace wash over us. Open our hearts to the mystery of your presence, that we may understand your call to us and live according to your will. Let your Spirit guide us into all truth, that we may be renewed by your word and transformed by your love. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

Holy one, we dedicate these gifts and our lives to you. May our offerings be a reflection of the love and grace you pour out on us. Use these gifts to further your kingdom and bring healing and hope to the world. Amen.

Bible Passages for the Baptism of the Lord

Genesis 1:1-5: In the beginning

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. This passage introduces the world’s creation with the power of God’s word and the movement of the Spirit over the deep. The light of creation shines forth, dispelling the darkness and marking the first act of divine renewal.

Genesis Chapter 1 - God Creates

Differences Between Genesis 1 and 2: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Psalm 29: A Song of Praise

This psalm is a song of praise to God’s majestic power, especially as it is revealed in the storm. The voice of God thunders over the waters, and creation responds with awe. It is a reminder of the power and glory of the one who reigns over all creation, the same voice that calls us into life and faith. Can we trust God in the other storms of life?

Acts 19:1-7 - Paul and the Ephesians

In this passage, Paul encounters disciples in Ephesus who had not yet received the Holy Spirit. After baptizing them in the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes upon them, and they begin to speak in tongues and prophesy. This passage highlights the significance of the Holy Spirit’s presence in baptism and the power of renewal that comes through Christ.

What the Holy Spirit Can Do

Luke 3:15-17,21-22: Jesus is Baptized by John the Baptist

John the Baptist addresses the expectations of the people, who wonder if he might be the Messiah. John clarifies that while he baptizes with water, one more powerful than he will come, baptizing with the Holy Spirit and fire. He describes this figure as carrying a winnowing fork to separate wheat from chaff, symbolizing judgment and purification.

In verses 21-22, Jesus is baptized alongside others. As he prays, the heavens open, the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven declares, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” This moment affirms Jesus’ divine identity and marks the beginning of his public ministry.


Mark 1:4-11: Jesus Baptized by John in the Jordan River

Mark’s Gospel recounts the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John. As Jesus emerges from the water, the heavens open, and the Spirit descends upon him like a dove. A voice from heaven declares, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” This moment marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and the revelation of his divine identity.

5 Reasons Jesus Was Baptized

The Baptism of Jesus - A Comparative Study

Baptism into a Kingdom of Gracious Tomorrows

Themes for the Baptism of the Lord

The Power of God’s Word

Genesis 1:1-5 and Psalm 29 remind us of the creative and powerful word of God. This theme invites us to reflect on the power of God’s voice, both in creation and in our lives today, calling us to new life in Christ.

Renewal Through the Holy Spirit

Acts 19:1-7 emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit’s presence in baptism, reminding us that through the Spirit, we are empowered for a new life of faith. This theme calls us to recognize the ongoing work of the Spirit in our lives, bringing transformation and renewal.

Identity in Christ

Mark 1:4-11 highlights Jesus’ baptism as a moment of revelation of his divine identity as the Beloved Son of God. This theme invites us to reflect on our own identity as God’s beloved children, claimed and called by God in the waters of baptism.


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