Liturgy for the Second Sunday after Christmas (Year C, Luke)

Liturgy for the Second Sunday after Christmas Day (Year C, Luke)

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Call to Worship

One: Come, beloved of God, to rejoice in the presence of the Holy One! Sing aloud and celebrate the light that has come into the world!

All: We gather in gratitude, lifting our voices to praise the one who has redeemed us and called us by name.

One: From generation to generation, the love of God has blessed us and filled us with grace upon grace.

All: We come to worship the source of steadfast love and abundant mercy.

One: Let us open our hearts to receive the fullness of blessing revealed in Jesus Christ.

All: With joy and thanksgiving, let us worship God!

Prayer of Confession

Loving God, we confess that we have not always walked in your light. We have turned from your ways and allowed fear and self-interest to shape our actions. Forgive us for failing to reflect your grace in our daily lives. Renew our hearts, that we may live as your redeemed people, embodying love, kindness, and truth. Shine your light upon us, that we may walk boldly in your path and proclaim your goodness to the world. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon (John 1:16)

Beloved, hear this good news: “From his fullness, we have all received grace upon grace.” Through Christ, we are forgiven and made new. Thanks be to God!

Prayer of Illumination

God of light and truth, as we open your word, we ask for your Spirit to guide us. Speak to us through the scriptures, that we may encounter your grace and grow in wisdom. May your truth illuminate our minds and transform our hearts, leading us to live as faithful witnesses to your love. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

Holy one, we dedicate these gifts and our lives to you. Use them to proclaim your word, extend your mercy, and bring hope to those in need. May our offerings be a reflection of your boundless love. Amen.

Bible Passages for the Second Sunday after Christmas

Jeremiah 31:7-14

Jeremiah speaks of God’s promise to gather the people from exile, bringing them back with joy and thanksgiving. The imagery of a restored community highlights God’s faithfulness and compassion, offering hope for renewal. This passage celebrates God’s tender care, as mourning turns into joy and God’s people are filled with abundance.

Psalm 147:12-20

This psalm invites all creation to praise the Lord for divine power and provision. God’s word brings life and order to the world, blessing the people with peace and nourishment. The psalmist celebrates God’s control over nature and covenant faithfulness, emphasizing the unmatched power of God’s word.

Ephesians 1:3-14

Paul reflects on the spiritual blessings believers have received through Christ. Chosen before the foundation of the world, we are redeemed and adopted as God’s children. This passage emphasizes the lavish grace of God, revealed in the mystery of divine will and the gift of the Holy Spirit, sealing us as heirs of the kingdom.

Read More:

Identity and Belonging: Lessons from Ephesians 1:3-14

The Power of Redemption: Lessons from Ephesians 1:3-14

Transformation through Grace: Lessons from Ephesians 1:3-14

Chosen and Beloved: Lessons from Ephesians 1

Have You Looked into the Water?

John 1:(1-9), 10-18

The prologue of John’s Gospel introduces Jesus as the Word made flesh, the true light that shines in the darkness. Though the world did not recognize him, those who receive him are given the right to become children of God. This passage proclaims the glory of Christ, full of grace and truth, and reveals God’s presence among us.

Read More

John Chapter 1 Summary and Outline

The Logos and Creation: Understanding John 1:1-5

John 1:1-5 Meaning - The Word and Creation

Themes for the Second Sunday after Christmas

The Gift of Redemption

Jeremiah 31:7-14 and Ephesians 1:3-14 remind us of God’s redeeming work. These passages invite us to celebrate the joy of being restored to a relationship with God and living as God’s chosen people.

The Word Made Flesh

John 1 emphasizes the incarnation of Christ, calling us to marvel at the mystery of God dwelling among us. This theme encourages us to reflect on the power of Christ’s presence in our lives.

A Call to Praise

Psalm 147 invites us to join all creation in praising God for divine provision and faithfulness. This theme reminds us of the joy that comes from worshiping the creator and acknowledging the blessings we receive.


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