Bible Study

Exploring the vast and captivating world of scripture beyond the gospels.

It is Finished: Connection and Community
Gospels Jason Elder Gospels Jason Elder

It is Finished: Connection and Community

Jesus’ last words, “It is finished,” are a three-word sermon that invites us into a life of peace, community, and connection. It is a call to lay down our arms and to find last peace. Feeling isolated in a connected world? Jesus' last words, "It is finished," offer hope! We can live in a community and connect with others.

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Finding Faith and Hope Outside an Empty Tomb
Gospels Jason Elder Gospels Jason Elder

Finding Faith and Hope Outside an Empty Tomb

As we grow in our faith development, it is natural to ask questions and to wonder. At times, we can feel a strain as we try to make sense of the questionsand the world around us. The people in the Bible are no different. In our story, they find hope and faith in the Easter story of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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