Bible Study      

I love the story of the Manna from Heaven. The people are experiencing a liminal space (a space between). They are hungry. The text says, “In the morning, a fine layer of dew covered the ground around the camp. When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “Man hu” (מַן הוּא)? This means “What is it?” Moses said to them, “It is the bread the LORD has given you to eat. This is what the LORD has commanded: ‘Each of you is to gather as much as you need for a day’s food. . . ‘“

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What is Good Religion? James 1
Bible Study Jason Elder Bible Study Jason Elder

What is Good Religion? James 1

Learn the essence of a good religion in light of James 1. Learn how faith and works intertwine, driven by grace and gratitude. Discover how true religion leads to good deeds and a life marked by good works that reflect our commitment to living out a good religion in practical and compassionate ways.

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The Inner Line of Good and Evil
Bible Study, James Jason Elder Bible Study, James Jason Elder

The Inner Line of Good and Evil

True religion and justice start with inner transformation, drawing from James 1:27 and Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. This article highlights that the real battle between good and evil lies within every human heart. Discover how allowing God’s grace to reshape our hearts can lead to authentic virtue and contribute to positive change in the world. Learn why addressing our internal struggles is essential for meaningful justice and living out true faith.

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