What is Good Religion? James 1


In every age, people have sought to define what it means to practice a good religion. The question “What is a good religion?” isn’t just about what beliefs we hold, but also how those beliefs translate into our everyday lives. In every church I’ve pastored, my congregants have asked me variations of the questions, “How can I live my faith well?”

Many might say that good religion is about being a good person, but what does that actually mean? According to Scripture, particularly in the book of James, a good religion is not just about what we profess with our lips, but what we practice with our lives. It is about how our understanding of God transforms our hearts, our actions, and our interactions with others. Faith is all-encompassing; it doesn’t let is off the hook and let us partition a part of our lives. God wants all of us.

4 Characteristics of Good Religion in James 1

1. A Good Religion Comes from God (James 1:17-18):

A good religion begins with a proper understanding of who God is. James reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of lights. A good religion acknowledges that all goodness originates with God, not from human effort alone.

Notice the first phrase of this passage, “ALL good gifts. . . “ We should not limit the cosmic love and grace of God! Every good gift comes from God. Every grace and blessing is from God.

We are called to be children of God, who has brought us forth by the word of truth. A good religion, therefore, recognizes our dependence on God and responds to His grace with gratitude and humility.

2. A Good Religion Controls the Tongue and Cultivates Patience (James 1:19-21):

James emphasizes that a good religion is marked by the way we speak and the way we handle our emotions. “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”

A good religion teaches us to listen carefully, to speak wisely, and to manage our anger in a way that reflects God’s character. It is not just about external actions, but about cultivating an inner disposition that aligns with God’s will.

Jesus, on the Sermon on the Mount, talked about the motivations of the heart. Jesus was extremely concerned about the heart while others were concerned about the appearances they were giving off. How we talk reveals the heart. This is one of the most difficult areas of our discipleship. The tongue is hard to tame.

3. A Good Religion is Active and Engaged (James 1:22-25):

James famously admonishes us to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only.” A good religion is not passive; it requires active participation. It calls us to live out our faith in practical ways, demonstrating love and care for others.

This means that a good religion is one that is lived out daily through acts of kindness, justice, and mercy. We are not to merely listen to God’s word, but to put it into practice, allowing it to shape our behavior and interactions.

We should not think that we must go to a mission field to be considered active and faithful. Faithfulness starts right where you are right now. What’s the next right thing you can do in your interaction with others or the world? Can you care for the earth really well? Can you volunteer, build a bridge, show friendship, or give generously of your time or self? Can you advocate for justice or truth?

4. A Good Religion Cares for Others and Pursues Holiness (James 1:26-27):

Finally, James gives us a clear picture of what a good religion looks like: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

A good religion is one that cares deeply for the vulnerable and seeks to protect oneself from moral corruption. It is both outwardly compassionate and inwardly pure. This dual focus ensures that our faith remains genuine and transformative.

Christians should always be mindful of what is influencing them. You are never too powerful to serve. Your place in an organization is never too high up to serve. Your place in society is never too high or low to serve. There is always someone to serve, to reach out to, to lift up. This is the basic actions of the Savior and puts the thoughts and beliefs of our faith in the streets.

Keep in mind, all of this activity is a response of gratitude for the love and grace of God that has freely and generously come to us from God. We are not doing these things to prove we are lovable or worthy. We are doing these actions to live in a way that honors our Lord and the image of God in each person.


So, what is a good religion? According to James, it is one that begins with the recognition of God’s goodness, controls our speech and temper, actively engages with the world through good deeds, and maintains a heart of purity and compassion. A good religion is thoughtful, caring, and grounded in the truth of God’s word, leading us to live lives that reflect God’s love and justice in the world.


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