Luke 10 Chapter Summary and Outline

Book of Luke Chapter 10: The Mission of the Seventy and Encounters 

Luke 10 Summary

Luke 10 emphasizes discipleship and the mission of spreading God's kingdom, making it a favorite of pastors, missionaries, church planters, and disciple-makers of all kinds. Jesus sends seventy disciples ahead of him, instructing them to proclaim the kingdom of God in the towns he intends to visit. He warns them of possible rejection. The chapter includes his teaching of the Good Samaritan, which centers on the idea of love and mercy as transcending religious, ethnic, and cultural lines. The chapter ends with Jesus visiting Mary and Martha, a story that helps us think about prioritizing worship or teaching over other transitory concerns. 

Luke 10 Outline

The Mission of the Seventy (10:1-24)

Jesus appoints seventy disciples and sends them in pairs to prepare the way for him. He instructs them on traveling with simplicity, peace, and dependence on God’s provision. They are warned of potential rejection and told to leave unresponsive towns, yet assured that God’s kingdom is near.

Woes on Unrepentant Cities (10:13-16)

Jesus laments the rejection of his message in some cities.

The Joy of the Disciples (10:17-24)

The seventy disciples return, excited about their success in driving out demons. Jesus celebrates their success but reminds them that their true joy should come from their names being written in heaven. Jesus praises God for revealing the truth to them.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37)

 A lawyer asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, leading Jesus to share the parable of the Good Samaritan. The parable illustrates that love for one’s neighbor transcends boundaries of ethnicity or social status, making the Samaritan an unexpected hero for his mercy.

Mary and Martha (10:38-42)

Jesus visits the home of Mary and Martha. Mary sits at his feet, absorbing his teachings, while Martha is distracted with meal preparations. Jesus commends Mary for choosing the better part—listening to his word—over busywork.


Luke 11 Chapter Summary and Outline


The Gospel of Luke/Book of Luke Chapter Summary and Outlines