Luke 9 Chapter Summary and Outline

Luke Chapter 9: Sending Out the Twelve and Rejection  

Luke Chapter 9 Summary

Luke 9 focuses on Jesus empowering his disciples and facing rejection. He sends out the Twelve Apostles on a mission to preach, heal, and cast out demons. They experience success, driving out unclean spirits and healing the sick. Jesus withdraws to pray on a mountain, where he is transfigured, affirming his identity as the Son of God. Upon his return, Jesus encounters a man whose son is possessed by a demon that the disciples couldn’t heal. Jesus successfully casts out the demon, highlighting his power and authority. The chapter concludes with Jesus predicting his own suffering and death, a message that continues to challenge the disciples’ understanding.

Luke Chapter 9 Outline

  1. The Mission of the Twelve (9:1-6):

Jesus appoints and sends out the Twelve Apostles to proclaim the kingdom of God, heal the sick, and cast out demons.He instructs them on how to travel and live simply.

2. Herod’s Inquiry (9:7-9):

Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, hears about Jesus and wonders if he is John the Baptist raised from the dead.

3. The Feeding of the Five Thousand (9:10-17):

Jesus withdraws with his disciples to a deserted place.A large crowd follows, and Jesus compassionately feeds them all with five loaves of bread and two fish.

4. Peter’s Confession (9:18-22):

Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is.Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah.

Jesus predicts his suffering, death, and resurrection but instructs the disciples to keep this a secret.

5. The Cost of Discipleship (9:23-27):

Jesus teaches about the requirements of following him, including self-denial, taking up one’s cross, and prioritizing him above family.

6. The Transfiguration (9:28-36):

Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a mountain to pray.He is transfigured, appearing radiant and speaking with Moses and Elijah.A voice from heaven proclaims Jesus as the Son of God.

7. Healing the Demon-Possessed Boy (9:37-43a):

Upon returning from the mountain, Jesus encounters a crowd arguing with his disciples.

A man pleads for Jesus to heal his son, who is possessed by a demon.

Jesus heals the boy, demonstrating his power over evil spirits.

8. Jesus Again Predicts His Suffering (9:43b-45):

Jesus reiterates his message about his upcoming suffering and death, confusing the disciples.He emphasizes the importance of humility

9. Greatness in the Kingdom (9:46-48):

The disciples argue about who is the greatest. Jesus uses a child to illustrate that true greatness comes from humility.

10. Warning Against Exclusion (9:49-50):

John tells Jesus about someone casting out demons in Jesus’ name. Jesus responds that anyone not against them is for them.

11. Journey to Jerusalem (9:51-56):

As Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem, he is rejected by a Samaritan village. Jesus teaches about the nature of his mission.

12. The Cost of Following Jesus (9:57-62):

Various individuals express a desire to follow Jesus. Jesus emphasizes the radical commitment required to be his disciple.

***Everything that happens in the gospel of Luke from this point forward happens in the 3rd year of Jesus’ ministry which is sometimes called “The Year of Opposition.”


The Gospel of Luke/Book of Luke Chapter Summary and Outlines


Luke 8 Chapter Summary and Outline