Luke 4 Chapter Summary and Outline

Luke 4: Jesus' Temptation and Early Ministry: A Summary and Outline


Question: Why was Jesus baptized?

Sermon: Baptism into a Kingdom of Gracious Tomorrows

Luke Chapter 4 Summary

Following his baptism, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where he faces temptation by the devil. Despite these challenges, Jesus remains faithful to God. He then begins his public ministry in Galilee, attracting attention with his powerful teaching and miraculous healings. However, his message is not universally accepted, as he faces rejection in his hometown of Nazareth.

Luke Chapter 4 Outline

  1. Jesus' Temptation in the Wilderness (4:1-13):

    • Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where he is tempted by the devil in three ways: to turn stones to bread, to gain power and glory, and to test God.

    • Jesus resists all temptations, quoting scripture in response.

  2. Jesus Begins His Ministry in Galilee (4:14-30):

    • Jesus returns to Galilee and begins preaching in synagogues.

    • People are amazed by his authority and teaching.

    • In Nazareth, Jesus is rejected by his hometown crowd who are offended by his message.

  3. Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man (4:31-37):

    • In a synagogue, Jesus heals a man possessed by a demon, demonstrating his power over evil spirits.

    • His fame spreads throughout the region.

  4. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law and Others (4:38-41):

    • Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law who is sick with a fever.

    • He then heals many other sick people who come to him.

    • As evening falls, Jesus casts out demons from those who are oppressed.

    • Jesus withdraws to pray in solitude.


Luke 5 Chapter Summary and Outline


The Hope of Our Prayer - Luke 11:1-13