Luke 5 Chapter Summary and Outline

Luke 5: Jesus Calls Disciples and Performs Miracles

Luke Chapter 5 Summary

Jesus' power and authority are seen as he performs miracles, calls, and transforms people. The chapter opens with Jesus calling his first disciples, Peter, James, and John, after a miraculous catch of fish. This event highlights Jesus' ability to provide abundantly and inspires the disciples to follow him. Jesus then demonstrates his power over physical illness by healing a leper, challenging the religious purity laws of the time. Finally, Jesus forgives the sins of a paralyzed man, further demonstrating his authority and sparking controversy among religious leaders. Jesus heals the man, proving his power to forgive and heal both physical and spiritual ailments. 

Luke Chapter 5 Outline

  1. The Miraculous Catch of Fish (5:1-11):

    • Jesus instructs Simon Peter to cast his nets into deep water, despite an unsuccessful night of fishing.

    • Peter catches a large number of fish, overwhelmed by the miraculous event.

    • Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to be his disciples, leaving their nets behind.

  2. Jesus Heals a Leper (5:12-16):

    • A leper approaches Jesus, begging to be healed.

    • Jesus compassionately touches the man, healing him and challenging religious norms about uncleanness.

  3. Jesus Forgives a Paralytic Man (5:17-26):

    • Four friends bring a paralyzed man to Jesus, lowering him through the roof.

    • Jesus forgives the man's sins, causing controversy among religious leaders who question his authority.

    • Jesus heals the man, demonstrating his power to forgive and heal.


Luke 6 Chapter Summary and Outline


Luke 4 Chapter Summary and Outline