
A sermon is a talk. It is a conversation between God and the preacher, the preacher and him/herself, and the preacher and the listener. It is a beautiful, delightful dance of truth, memory, and possibility. Like a dance, a conversation can meander around the room gracefully, all the while leading you to end up right where you started - with a hopeful prayer.

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The Parable of the Great Banquet
Sermon Jason Elder Sermon Jason Elder

The Parable of the Great Banquet

Jesus’ parable of the great banquet in Luke 14 allows us to consider what it means for God to be a host and a guest. God welcomes and invites. Will we receive God as a guest? Likewise, will we extend to God such a generous welcome, and do the same for others?

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Genesis Chapter 1 - God Creates
Bible Study Jason Elder Bible Study Jason Elder

Genesis Chapter 1 - God Creates

What does Genesis 1 tell us about God? It describes the creation of the world by God. This chapter lays the groundwork for the rest of Scripture and provides insights into the nature of God, humanity, and the cosmos. In this blog post, we’ll explore the structure, themes, and theological significance of Genesis 1.

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Creation, part 1 (Genesis 1 and 2)
devotional Jason Elder devotional Jason Elder

Creation, part 1 (Genesis 1 and 2)

The Scriptures are most preoccupied with not how (science) or when (history), but who and why. Who are you, O Creator, and who am I? Why am I here? The meaning of Genesis 1 is life-giving and powerful, it tells of a magnificent Creator who knows us.

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God Sees and Blesses Hagar
devotional Jason Elder devotional Jason Elder

God Sees and Blesses Hagar

God shows tenderness, love, and generosity to Hagar, the very things Abraham and Sarah would not. This story is a reminder that "Me Too," has always been. How did Hagar and Ishmael survive in the wilderness? They are regarded Hagar regarded as beloved in the eyes of God.

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Finding God in the Lost and Found
sermons Jason Elder sermons Jason Elder

Finding God in the Lost and Found

We all lose our way. The question is, when I do is there a way back? The story of Scripture is filled with people who lost their way. Some came back, some didn't. Some thought they had lost hope, but they found it and so much more in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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The Transfiguration of Jesus, Part 1
sermons Jason Elder sermons Jason Elder

The Transfiguration of Jesus, Part 1

In the gospel of Matthew 17, Elijah and Moses with the Transfiguration of Jesus. They confirm his identity. Notice, it is not, “The Transformation of Jesus,” as if he is becoming something he is not. His fuller identity is being revealed (Colossians 1:15) and God says, “This is my Son, listen to him!”

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The Transfiguration of Jesus, Part 2
sermons Jason Elder sermons Jason Elder

The Transfiguration of Jesus, Part 2

In the gospel of Matthew 17, Elijah and Moses with the Transfiguration of Jesus. They confirm his identity. Notice, it is not, “The Transformation of Jesus,” as if he is becoming something he is not. Here his fuller identity is being revealed and God says, “This is my Son, listen to him!”

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The Beautiful Budding Faith of Nicodemus
sermons Jason Elder sermons Jason Elder

The Beautiful Budding Faith of Nicodemus

Nicodemus in the Bible (John 3:16) teaches us there are many ways to love God. We can ask questions, advocate for fairness, and give others dignity. Doubts are not disqualifiers. He brought his questions to his teacher and we can bring our questions to Christ.

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Thirsting for God and Deep, Deep Love
Sermons Jason Elder Sermons Jason Elder

Thirsting for God and Deep, Deep Love

In John 4, Jesus meets the Samaritan Woma, or the Woman at the Well. He talks to her and opens her eyes to the kind grace of God. We all have a well inside of us. It is there we meet the God of love and where our thirst for meaning and purpose is quenched.

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