The Gospel of Luke/Book of Luke Chapter Summary and Outlines

The Gospel or Book of Luke Chapter Summary and Outlines

Introduction: Below you will find links to chapter summaries and outlines to the book of Luke in the bible. Each link will take you to a dedicated page for that chapter, on which I have tried to provide an easy-to-understand summary and outline. Where possible, I have linked to sermons, articles, and liturgies I have written myself that I hope help deepen your desire to learn about the teachings of Jesus. All my best to you in your study, Jason

Luke 1: Introduction, Intent, and Annunciations

Sermon: Ever Ancient, Always New: Faith and Growth Through Doubt (Luke 1:67-80)

Luke 2: The Birth of Jesus

Luke 3: The Ministry of John the Baptist

Luke 4: Jesus' Temptation and Early Ministry

Luke 5: Jesus Calls Disciples and Performs Miracles

Luke 6: The Beatitudes and Teachings on Discipleship

Chapter 7: Signs of the Kingdom and Questions of Identity

Chapter 8: Parables of the Kingdom and Following Jesus

Chapter 9: Sending Out the Twelve and Rejection


Luke 10 Chapter Summary and Outline


Luke 9 Chapter Summary and Outline